Apr 9, 2010

Yep, I'm still alive ...

Yes folks, I've been slack (as I warned I may be) and not posted for many a month.  I intend on doing a food post this evening with a recipe from the recent Australian Gourmet Traveller (Greek issue ... I loved it!).   

I will need to consult with K about which recipe I should try as I have been promising her I would attempt at least two from each issue of AGT ... K gave me a subscription for Xmas.  So far I've not done any and I've just received my 5th issue.  Ooops!    We're also off to the visit my family in the country tomorrow so I need to make something that they might like to try also (not an easy task when my sister doesn't like anything much more "fancy" than meat & 3 veg).

On a more serious note, our young son M is off for a small operation at the Royal Childrens Hospital next week so thanks to all those who donated at the Good Friday Appeal last Friday, it's certainly a very worthy cause!   If you forgot to donate last week you can still do so here.  Here's a pic of the very delicious M looking as cute as ever ...

Have a good weekend everyone and hope to be posting later tonight!

Mama T. xx