Nov 3, 2011

Neighbourhood Produce Swap

Yesterday we received an email which had some exciting news ... a local produce swap meet in my neck of the woods.  To be honest I don't really have any excess atm. Baked goodies are welcome however as a "swap" item so I might have to get my thinking cap on and come up with a tasty treat or two the locals will be happy to swap.

Okay, so what are the benefits you ask? 

* To provide an opportunity for people to utilise otherwise-wasted fruit,   veg,herbs, etc.
* To create friendships within the neighbourhood and build stronger local communities
* To reduce green waste and pressure on landfill
* To build local food security and provide healthy in-season food for the community
* To reduce the need to transport produce from outside the city / state / country! – less transport means less fuel burned, hence reduced pollution and greenhouse gas emissions

FYI: I stole the above points from  This page also contains a list of other similar produce swap meets around Melbourne, Vic country and even Adelaide. 

Anyway, if you live in Sunshine, Ardeer, Deer Park area (or surrounds) the one I hope to attend on the 19.11.11 is:

The Ardeer fruit and vegetable swap is held on the third Saturday of each month.

Bring your home grown veggies, eggs, fruit or flowers to Ardeer Community Park.  Bake a cake and swap it for other wonderful goodies.  Produce exchanges can also include swapping other locally made handcrafts, jams, preserves, food, clothing or seeds.

When:    Saturday 19 November 
Time:      12.00pm – 1.00pm (working bee from 10am – 12pm) 
Where:   Ardeer Community Park, Forrest Street Ardeer

Hope to see some locals there!

Mama T. xx

1 comment:

  1. OMG a post!! Finally! ... We have a swap down our neck of the woods but I'm not really a fan of the chick organising it!! But its a great idea!!
