Nov 3, 2011

Neighbourhood Produce Swap

Yesterday we received an email which had some exciting news ... a local produce swap meet in my neck of the woods.  To be honest I don't really have any excess atm. Baked goodies are welcome however as a "swap" item so I might have to get my thinking cap on and come up with a tasty treat or two the locals will be happy to swap.

Okay, so what are the benefits you ask? 

* To provide an opportunity for people to utilise otherwise-wasted fruit,   veg,herbs, etc.
* To create friendships within the neighbourhood and build stronger local communities
* To reduce green waste and pressure on landfill
* To build local food security and provide healthy in-season food for the community
* To reduce the need to transport produce from outside the city / state / country! – less transport means less fuel burned, hence reduced pollution and greenhouse gas emissions

FYI: I stole the above points from  This page also contains a list of other similar produce swap meets around Melbourne, Vic country and even Adelaide. 

Anyway, if you live in Sunshine, Ardeer, Deer Park area (or surrounds) the one I hope to attend on the 19.11.11 is:

The Ardeer fruit and vegetable swap is held on the third Saturday of each month.

Bring your home grown veggies, eggs, fruit or flowers to Ardeer Community Park.  Bake a cake and swap it for other wonderful goodies.  Produce exchanges can also include swapping other locally made handcrafts, jams, preserves, food, clothing or seeds.

When:    Saturday 19 November 
Time:      12.00pm – 1.00pm (working bee from 10am – 12pm) 
Where:   Ardeer Community Park, Forrest Street Ardeer

Hope to see some locals there!

Mama T. xx

May 19, 2011

Jack & Daisy

Ok, I admit I have been ohhhh so lazy with posts on this blog.  I will try and be better.  No promises though!

Anyway, onto the reason as to why I am finally posting again ... JACK & DAISY cafe in Pascoe Vale.  K, M and I made a trip there for lunch this Tuesday just gone and it was fabulous.  Food was yummy.  Staff were the friendliest I have ever (I kid you not!) come across and there was a "kids corner" to boot.  Best of all, the prices were totally reasonable. 

Now all of the above is worthy of a post, however the clincher was the fact that they were not going to make me pay ($44 bucks worth) on the day.  I wanted to pay by card and they didn't have card facilities up and running yet (coming very soon I was told), so they told me it would be cool to "fix them up" next time I was in.  They didn't want to put me out by making me trek up the road to withdraw cashola.  WOW!!!  I must point out this was the first time I had been there ... it's not like I was a regular they knew well.  As it turns out I did have $40 in cash and gave them that ...and I will certainly be back very soon to pay my outstanding debt and enjoy another coffee or three.  Ohh, did I mention the coffee is wonderful! 

As an addition to the above ... I was snapping away with the camera like a maniac whilst there so maybe they thought I was a "famous" blogger.  Alas, I do blog, but mine certainly is not famous, and if three people read this post I'd be surprised.  But if just one of those that read this entry make the trip to Jack & Daisy I am sure that they will recommend it to another friend who will recommend it to another of their friends and so on and so on.  I'm sure you get where I'm going with this.

Anyway, onto what we ate.  K had the steak sanga and fries.  M had the kids chicken schnitz and chips (all kids meals are $5) and I had the roadhouse(?) brekkie with potato rosti as an extra.  All were delicious!

K's steak sandwich

Cheers to good coffee!

Get your good selves down to Jack & Daisy's soon as you get the chance.  Tell them Mama T sent you! ;-)

Jack & Daisy
152b Cumberland Rd
Pascoe Vale
p. 03 9350 4106

... until next time!

Mama T xxx